100% Health Program 2020
It is no secret that we at Functional Health are very proud of our staple program, 100% Health and its role within our practices. While 100% Health was launched to bring affordable physiotherapy to the masses, we have noticed a large uptake in our service from local junior athletes from a wide range of sports. We are very fortunate to be working with some fine young athletes from around the Gold Coast as they bud for future success. Our relationship with Coach Chris Cornelius and his squad of sprinters and multi-sport athletes, ranging from 9 – 18yrs old, has grown over the years and our team have had a large role to play within his squad and he was kind enough to share his views with us (below).
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Junior Athletes Growing Pains
As we begin the new decade, Functional Health looks forward to continuing our work with some of the rising sports stars of tomorrow and our role within these early careers. So many junior athletes undergo many issues as their body grows and develops. Often it gets dismissed as simply ‘growing pains’. While it is true, growth spurts can trigger some uncomfortable times for young athletes, which can lead to some restriction in movement, a controlled and measured approach to their training can vastly improve these symptoms, allowing them to maintain full range of movement and help manage symptoms. There is no simple one fix solution for all, it is a custom approach that is needed for each individual and managed with professional care.
Functional Health provide a team of Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists who share a passion for a wide variety of sports. We can often be found at local community sports clubs working with young and mature athletes, from local Rugby Union clubs to those of us who like to run a marathon or two!